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F4B Summer Youth Certificate Program
The purpose of the F4B Summer Youth Certificate Program is to help instill discipline, leadership, academic excellence and life-skills in all youth participants. The F4B Program also seeks to empower students to maximize their personal, social and academic abilities. Instructors of the F4B Junior Police Academy include members of local Police Department's as well as members of County, State, and Federal Law Enforcement agencies.
F4B Principle Goals:
To facilitate development of good health, physical and mental fitness, self-control and discipline in youth, thereby enhancing their capacity for hard work and personal achievement.
To enable youth to explore and develop their inner potential in achieving success, by inculcating in them leadership, teamwork skills, innovative thinking and problem solving ability.
To mould a generation of youth who respect and abide the law by practicing in civic sense, democratic behavior and selfless service to society as the natural way of life.
To increase knowledge and understanding of effective use of social media preventing its negative influence and enabling them to benefit from the vast potential of Information Communications Technology (ICT).
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