Medical Certifications: Certified Medical Assistant (CMA), Electrocardiograph Technician (EKG), and Phlebotomy Technician Certification
A certified medical assistant is a multi-skilled allied healthcare professional that specializes in procedures commonly performed in the ambulatory healthcare setting. Medical assistants perform both clinical and administrative duties and assist a variety of providers, including physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. Medical assistants typically work in medical offices, clinics, and urgent care centers and may work in general medicine or specialty practices. The educational program shall include, at a minimum (330) clock hours of instruction. Upon completion, students will be ready to take a national certification exam.
The Phlebotomy Certificate program shall include, at a minimum (100) clock hours of instruction. A phlebotomy technician draws quality blood samples from patients or blood donors and prepares those specimens for medical testing. Graduates will have the entry-level skills of a Certified Phlebotomy technician and be qualified to interview for positions in a variety of healthcare facilities. Upon completion, students will be ready to take a national certification exam.
The Electrocardiograph (EKG) program shall include, at a minimum (100) clock hours of instruction. EKG Technician will able to identify the major internal and external structures of the heart; describe the major functions of the cardiovascular system, and Identify the five types of blood vessels. Students will be able to label the electrical conduction of the heart and obtain a standard EKG rhythm strip. Upon completion, graduates will have the entry-level skills of a Certified Electrocardiograph (EKG) technician and be qualified to interview for positions in a variety of healthcare facilities. Upon completion, students will be ready to take a national certification exam.